• Name and Address/Όνομα και Διεύθυνση
  • Academic calendar/Ακαδημαϊκό Ημερολόγιο
  • Academic authorities/Πρυτανικές Αρχές
  • General Description of the Institution (including type and status)/Γενική Περιγραφή Ιδρύματος
  • List of Programmes offered/Λίστα Προσφερόμενων Προγραμμάτων
  • General Admission Requirements/ Απαιτήσεις Εισαγωγής
  • General Arrangements for the recognition of prior learning (formal Informal,
    non formal) / Αναγνώριση προηγούμενης εκπαίδευσης
  • General Registration
    Procedures / Διαδικασίες εγγραφής
  • ECTS credit allocation based on the student workload needed in order to achieve expected learning outcomes
  • Arrangements for academic guidance

Academic guidance for foreign students is offered by ECTS Coordinators at each School. (http://www.eurep.auth.gr/index.php?
lang=en&rm=8&mn=56#) In this page at the right there is a word with the title “For academic guidance during your studies at AUTH contact your School’s ECTS Coordinator. See the document below” where the names of the ECTS coordinators are listed with their contact details)
